Andre Hood
Head Kaiako
Andre is the Jam Bus boss who you will see traveling around numerous schools in the Bay of Plenty! His engaging personality and passion for teaching is evident to those around him, especially the tamariki! You can often find him skating when he not on Jam Bus duties!

Andrew Upton
Admin team/Jam Bus tour member
Andrew is a guitar tutor at Upton Music School and is in charge of websites/graphic design. He is a registered NZ teacher previously classroom teaching at Otūmoetai Intermediate school.

Phillip Upton
Admin team/Jam Bus tour member
Phillip is a drum tutor and passionate educator at Upton Music School. In the weekend he can be found playing in a covers band, hitting the closest mountain bike park (Orōpi Grove or Rotorua) or spending time with his whanau.

Rachael McKoy
Manager/Curriculum Development
Rachael is a multi talented ex-classroom music teacher who has taught in schools around Tauranga and the UK. She is in charge of effective curriculum delivery and the day to day organisation of the Jam Bus/Upton Music School!